AUD to HRK Exchange Rate and more
Travel like a local in Croatia
Croatia has become one of Europe’s top travel destinations in recent years. From its enchanted castles to its breathtaking beaches this charming country in Eastern Europe is filled with endless wonders and features attractions that people from all walks of life can appreciate. If you’re heading to the Dalmation coast make sure you head to the seaside city of Zadar which has been said to have one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.
Use our currency calculator for AUD to HRK in order to help you understand how much things will cost on your holiday or simply sign up to our Rate Alert and we can send you a notification when your desired rate hits the market. Being one of the most traded currency in the world your best to get your travel budget early and watch for the best exchange rate for your trip.
The Croatian Kuna?
The Official currency of Croatia is the Kuna. It has been in circulation since 1994. 1 Kuna is made up of 100 lipa similar to dollars and cents. The denominations for croatian banknotes are 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200. The 5 kuna banknotes is no longer produced but is still a legal tender. The denominations for coins are 10 , 20, 50 Lipa and 1, 2 and 5 Kuna.
Average Prices
Bottle of Water: 10 HRK
Beer: 17 HRK
Cappuccino: 11 HRK
Dinner at a restaurant: 50 HRK
Meal at Mcdonalds: 40 HRK

Remember to try and use up all your coins before you return home