AUD to ISK Exchange Rate and more

Travel like a local in Iceland

Iceland’s location on the top of the world also ensures that it is among the very best places on the planet to see the northern lights or aurora borealis. These spectacular celestial wonders are commonly seen in Iceland from September to mid-April and are one of the top reasons for visiting Iceland outside of the bright summer months. Iceland´s rich supply of water is by far its most valuable natural resource, Iceland’s geothermal natural pools can be found all around the country. Because Iceland is situated just below the Arctic Circle, it is one of the only countries that the summer nights are bright with 24-hour daylight from mid-May to late July.

Use our currency calculator for AUD to ISK in order to help you understand how much things will cost on your holiday or simply sign up to our Rate Alert and we can send you a notification when your desired rate hits the market. Being one of the most traded currency in the world your best to get your travel budget early and watch for the best exchange rate for your trip.

The Icelandic Krona?

The official currency of Iceland is the Krona. The Icelandic Krona is an adaptation of the Danish Krone which was the previous currency of Iceland. The Icelandic krona separated from the Danish krone after the dissolution of the Scandinavian Monetary Union at the start of World War I and Icelandic sovereignty from Denmark in 1918. The first coins were issued in 1922. The denominations of Icelandic Krona are 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000 króna. The denominations for coins are 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 króna.


Average Prices

Bottle of Water: 260 kr
Beer: 1000 kr
Cappuccino: 560 kr
Dinner at a restaurant: 2500 kr
Meal at Mcdonalds (or equivalent): 1600 kr



Remember to try and use up all your coins before you return home