AUD to MYR Exchange Rate and more
Travel like a local in Malaysia
Traveling in Malaysia is easy, affordable, and exciting! Malaysia is blessed with a diverse mix of cultures that makes it different from anyplace else. Traveling in Malaysia, particularly Kuala Lumpur, provides an opportunity to enjoy a mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous culture all in one place. You’ll get to experience food, festivals, music, and traditions from many different ethnic groups all in one place! There are many beautiful places to visit in Malaysia but no matter where you’re heading you’re going to need some Ringgit for your travels.
Use our currency calculator for AUD to MYR in order to help you understand how much things will cost on your holiday or simply sign up to our Rate Alert and we can send you a notification when your desired rate hits the market. Being one of the most traded currency in the world your best to get your travel budget early and watch for the best exchange rate for your trip.
The Malaysian Ringgit?
The ringgit was introduced in 1993 to replace the Malaysian dollar, which was used from 1967. The ringgit operates almost identically to the dollar (in fact, some stores may even label prices in Malaysia as dollars), divided up into 100 sens. All Malaysian coins are in sens, worth 5, 10, 20 and 50 apiece. Malaysian notes are set at 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ringgits each.
Translated from Malay, ringgit is the – now obsolete – term for ‘jagged’; named as such due to the serrated edges of silver Spanish dollar coins used during the Portuguese colonial era.
A polymer 50 ringgit note was released to commemorate the 1998 Commonwealth Games, but it was so rare that it’s now a collector’s item – so hold onto it if you find one!
Average Cost
Bottle of water: 1.3 RM
Bottle of beer: 15 RM
Cappuccino: 10 RM
Meal at Mcdonalds 14 RM
Meal at small traditional restaurant: 10 RM
Meal at western restaurant 30 RM
Remember to try and use up all your coins before you return home