Mastercard Platinum Travel Card available instore today  


Join 1000’s of Satisfied Customers Today

11 currencies available

11 currencies, locked in rates

Lock in exchange rates each time you load and reload. Load up to 11 different currencies on one card: USD, EUR, GBP, NZD, THB, CAD, HKD, SGD, JPY, AED and AUD.

No Load or Reloading Fees

No Load or Reloading Fees

$0 initial load fee and $0 card issue fee when loading foreign currency instore. Travel fluently with no fees when ordering your Cash Passport Platinum.

Accepted at Millions of Locations

Accepted at Millions of Locations

Use your Cash Passport Platinum like you would a credit or debit card, except with your own prepaid funds. In-store, online or to withdraw local currency at ATMs.

24/7 Global Assistance

24/7 Global Assistance

Help is only a call away, whenever and wherever you are. If your card is lost, stolen or damaged, we can replace it quickly or provide you with emergency cash.